Monday, December 26, 2011

21st July 2011

Went out with another 3 friends for a late lunch at Sam-Yan area. The place we went is called "Jae Ann". It is a very small place at the corner of an old shop house with most of    the tables placed on the footpath. Jae Ann sells North-western cuisines. 
I came here to day with and image of "Larb Hed" (mushroom salad) in my mind but sadly it's sold out but we manage to order some 450 others dishes instead. ;)

Grilled pig intestine, signature dish.

After the meal, we suppose to walk to Siam Discovery shopping centre but the fact that it is about 1 kilometre away made us made our way to a famous desert nearby.
                                                  D.O.D cafe and its umm..wall...papers!                                                      
This place is cover with some kind of writing all over, On the wall, table ceiling...everywhere!


Honey toast, decent but I think Shibuya toast at "After you" is much better.

The Taro ice tea on the left was very yummy

Sniffing some perfume samples while waiting for the drinks to come.

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