Saturday, March 23, 2013

Obscene..., sort of.

I remember when I started my gym routine, 
when I was still doing brisk walk for 6 minutes and panting like a dog afterward. 

At that time, I would take my needed short rest by walking around in the gym, looking for next target machine to hop on.

What I usually found was, some treadmills will have trace of splashed liquid all over them. It was gross, really gross!
It was as disgusting as checking in an unmade room at the hotel and found the evident of ejaculation was on the messy bed, right before your very eyes.

After four weeks, I was kind of expecting more from my workout. 
The time, the speed and of course the sweat! 
Yes, the more is the better. All of the above.

I now got a kick whenever I feel the sweat running down my face. 
I often glance at my arms to see the beads of sweat slowly accumulate and finally drip down my elbows.

What a liberating feeling! 

But I still not reach the point of sprinting on a treadmill and splash my liquid all over in an "obscene" fashion, 
no....not yet. ;) 

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