Friday, May 18, 2012

OAC trip to Penang

Seem like my trip to Penang was decades ago! 
I don't recall what I was going to write at that time! 
Poor auntie!!!

At this point, filling-in the captions seem to be the easiest way out. ^^
So....... HERE WE GO! 

Flying from Sarawak to KL. The sky was so beautiful.

เอ๊ะ...ที่นี่มันสนามบินไหนอ่ะ? ลืมมมมม
Wishing ribbons to be hung on the wishing tree at at the Kek Lok Si Temple    
More ribbons

This red tee was given once we board the shuttle bus from Penang airport.
The Foyer area in the ship. 

The swimming pool on the deck10. 

On the left is where I waited after woke up at 4am to see the sunrise! 
After we disembarking, The Penang Peranakan Mansion was my next stop.

An old rickshaw in front of the grand-old mansion.
At the entrance 

Love those peonies! Which them were real! 

Vintage silver bangles, me likey!

A church along the way. 
Good news : G hotel is a cool 5 star hotel.
Bad news : I had to share the bed with a stranger!  
This is where I watch Chelsea kicked Barcelona's ass! lol
Meet the CEO. 

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